For those who have read Rando Spirit in October 2008, the new name of the Super Trail Jean Giono, a mountain hike of 610 kilometers and 11,000 vertical meters, I accomplished 30 September and 1 October, after several unsuccessful attempts.
An account of this hike, see the wording "The pilot edition" on this blog, or on Rando Spirit:
http://randospirit.blogspot.com/2008/10/la-super Hiking-jean-giono.html An account of this hike, see the wording "The pilot edition" on this blog, or on Rando Spirit:
Now, Super de Haute Provence Hiking Hiking is a permanent, organized by the Audax Club Parisien (ACP) under the aegis of the French Federation of Cycling (FFCT).
How the Super Trail Jean Giono has it become the Super Walk Haute Provence? Posed this change?
These explanations will also be an opportunity to thank all who have helped me during these past months.
My physical condition is not that a great sportsman, but I am passionate about cycling, long distance and mountain. The transcendence fascinates me. Long before contacting the Audax Club Parisien, I was already thinking of making this type of hiking wherever topography encourages us to challenge the craziest.
I began 2008 by Bicinglette Ventoux in May (twice the crazies in 24 hours, in complete autonomy), followed by the walk-Luchon Bayonne.
I began 2008 by Bicinglette Ventoux in May (twice the crazies in 24 hours, in complete autonomy), followed by the walk-Luchon Bayonne.
The discovery of the Super Hike Fausto Coppi in late June was decisive.
This test of 510 km and more than 10,000 feet in altitude, was organized by the association and Ivano Vinai Fausto Coppi on the road, from Cuneo in the Piedmont region of Italy.
the menu, the Lombard, the Col de la Bonnette, Col de Vars, Izoard, Montgenèvre, Sestriere, the collar Isasca, cervix and Sampeyre Piatta of Montemale.
This test of 510 km and more than 10,000 feet in altitude, was organized by the association and Ivano Vinai Fausto Coppi on the road, from Cuneo in the Piedmont region of Italy.
the menu, the Lombard, the Col de la Bonnette, Col de Vars, Izoard, Montgenèvre, Sestriere, the collar Isasca, cervix and Sampeyre Piatta of Montemale.
It was not a permanent hike, but rather a hike taking place alongside the famous cycling event. There were 112 starters. We had 44 hours of delay, which represents an average minimum of about 12 km / h (the minimum average required for a patent of the mountain FFCT).
Having made the trek in 36 memorable hours, I came back excited. So it was possible!
I decided to replicate the formula with me, as far as I can, that is to say as a permanent hike to be called Super Trail, in tribute to the idea of Ivano, and I would, initially, the sole participant, as most to me was to live the adventure.
Having made the trek in 36 memorable hours, I came back excited. So it was possible!
I decided to replicate the formula with me, as far as I can, that is to say as a permanent hike to be called Super Trail, in tribute to the idea of Ivano, and I would, initially, the sole participant, as most to me was to live the adventure.
My participation in the inaugural Raid Far Vosgien in July (about 500 km and 10,000 m in altitude), organized by Jean-Claude Arens, only reinforced my determination.
Unlike the Super Hike Fausto Coppi, the REV is a cycling event ultra, where backpackers are certainly allowed, but the standard is to ride with a following car. Indeed, it is a race (with the podium finish), the délais sont courts (17,5 km/h minimum) et par conséquent, le niveau requis est très élevé. La logique est donc de tout mettre en œuvre pour permettre la meilleure performance chiffrée: recours à l’assistance personnelle du coureur, et fréquents ravitaillements, pourvus de nourriture en quantité suffisante, afin que le participant n’ait qu’à pédaler. Pour des raisons évidentes de logistique, le parcours se cantonne dans le même secteur.
Distance et dénivelé correspondaient à mon attente, mais pour le reste, j’aurais préféré une épreuve mieux adaptée à ma manière de pratiquer la longue distance: absence de compétition; parcours non répétitif; des délais plus généreux; une prise en charge moins grande, voire l’autonomie, afin de valoriser le randonneur complet (et pas seulement la performance chiffrée). Restée sur ma faim, j’évoquai déjà dans mon compte rendu l’idée d’une super randonnée vosgienne, ou ride across the Vosges , avec une petite suggestion de tracé (note 5)....
Mais la première Super Randonnée française allait être la Super Randonnée Jean Giono. Le tour complet des Gorges du Verdon (un vieux challenge depuis que j’habite Carcès), de nombreuses balades Haute Provence, the discovery of the Montagne de Lure and finally Carcès - Mont Ventoux - Carcès in 2003 provided the ingredients of that fantasy.
course I had heard of Raid Provence Extreme, where Ultras enslave Ventoux, Gorges du Verdon tower, Montagne de Lure and Ventoux, which at the time, seemed totally out of reach, but nevertheless gave me a furious desire to try, in my small way, to achieve such a sequence.
course I had heard of Raid Provence Extreme, where Ultras enslave Ventoux, Gorges du Verdon tower, Montagne de Lure and Ventoux, which at the time, seemed totally out of reach, but nevertheless gave me a furious desire to try, in my small way, to achieve such a sequence.
The rest, my readers know it. I traced my way of helping me Openrunner, for the 600km and 10.000 mètres de dénivelé.
Le circuit, qui part bien sûr de Carcès, passe par les Gorges du Verdon, la Montagne de Lure, le Mont Ventoux ainsi que par plusieurs cols, parmi lesquels figurent les Cols d’Espinouse, de Fontbelle, de Macuègne, de Fontaube et des Abeilles. Le dénivelé total de cette orgie dépasse les 11.000 mètres.
Puis j’ai essayé... échoué... recommencé... jusqu’à ce qu’enfin, je réussisse, les 30 septembre et 1er octobre derniers. J’ai mis 38h30 pour en venir à bout, et j’en ai gardé un souvenir inoubliable.
J’ai baptisé ce défi Super Randonnée Jean Giono: Super Randonnée, tribute to the Super Hiking Ivano Vinai, and Jean Giono, because I appreciate the utmost talent with which this writer crazy evokes the landscapes of Haute Provence, which are all on my journey.
Le circuit, qui part bien sûr de Carcès, passe par les Gorges du Verdon, la Montagne de Lure, le Mont Ventoux ainsi que par plusieurs cols, parmi lesquels figurent les Cols d’Espinouse, de Fontbelle, de Macuègne, de Fontaube et des Abeilles. Le dénivelé total de cette orgie dépasse les 11.000 mètres.
Puis j’ai essayé... échoué... recommencé... jusqu’à ce qu’enfin, je réussisse, les 30 septembre et 1er octobre derniers. J’ai mis 38h30 pour en venir à bout, et j’en ai gardé un souvenir inoubliable.
J’ai baptisé ce défi Super Randonnée Jean Giono: Super Randonnée, tribute to the Super Hiking Ivano Vinai, and Jean Giono, because I appreciate the utmost talent with which this writer crazy evokes the landscapes of Haute Provence, which are all on my journey.
early October, I published an account of my experience Rando Spirit, and encouraged my readers to make the attempt, by providing the road map, road map, profile and other information yet.
early November, I was seized with remorse. I used the name Giono sans rien demander à personne. Voilà qui n’était pas correct. J’écrivis à l’Association des Amis de Jean Giono, pour leur demander la permission d’utiliser l’illustre nom. Monsieur Jacques Mény, Président de l’Association, transmit fort aimablement ma demande à l’héritière de l’écrivain, Madame Sylvie Durbet-Giono, qui me donna son accord, sous réserve que je modifie l’appellation «randonnée», car des manifestations littéraires étaient déjà organisées sous ce nom.
Mais c’était là chose impossible. Rien ne m’est plus cher que ce beau nom de randonnée, un nom qui unit cycling, long distance, transcendence, autonomy, freedom and camaraderie. A name that belongs to the tradition of patent and Paris-Brest-Paris, a name which today is taken worldwide by all those that this spirit has conquered.
I explained all this to the Friends of Jean Giono and thanking them for listening to my request, told them that I gave to my project.
I had to find a new name to my ordeal. It was Super Walk of Haute Provence.
I nature is very independent and so far I did not bothered questions concerning the organization of events. The key was to be done, the rest mattered little.
Yet, although I almost always ride alone, I feel the urge to share. Yes, even for a loner like me, share, it can represent something essential!
It's better to be more to live the same adventure, ride together without necessarily elsewhere. But one makes memories, we can talk, share our experiences, pictures ... The event is gaining in quality, human wealth. It acquires a history, a reputation that attracts other cyclists looking for a challenge.
The beauty of a race, are the roads, places and landscapes that make it, but the race would not exist without the community of those who performed.
short, I talked to my blog, I invited others to attempt the daring adventure, I provided the necessary information ... I plan to take another step, create a small site dedicated to my trip, to state some rules, to receive entries, publish the results ... and suddenly the problems arise. I m'institue de facto organizer. I need insurance. A legal framework. Contingencies which I tend to laugh, but I understand that I can not escape from it.
Here, I extend my thanks to Mr. Christian Pic Club Chairman crazy Mont Ventoux, with explanations and advice have been of great help.
It appeared to me that, all alone, I have trouble keeping my purposes, will result in costs that my project did not warrant. Should rather use the structure of a club existant, voire d’en créer un. Un club FFCT évidemment, puisque la randonnée relève du cyclotourisme.
Mais lequel? Mon propre club, l’Argens Cyclo Carcès, fort agréable au demeurant, ne manifeste aucun intérêt pour les longues distances et j’éprouvais des scrupules à entraîner mes amis dans une aventure qu’ils n’avaient pas souhaitée.
Nous sommes en décembre 2008. Suite à la Rocky Mountain 1200, accomplie en juillet, je suis invitée à l’Assemblée Générale de l’Audax Club Parisien. Robert et Suzanne Lepertel, que j’ai rencontrés à Kamloops, souhaitent me présenter à toute leur équipe. De mon côté, je m’en réjouis, car j’ai beaucoup d’estime et d’admiration pour ce club (j’en dirai les raisons ci-dessous).
Après tout, pourquoi pas, me dis-je. Ma Super Randonnée est bien dans l’esprit des brevets randonneurs: longue distance et dépassement de soi. Peut-être intéressera-t-elle les Acépistes? A vrai dire, je n’y crois guère. Et pourtant! L’idée est accueillie très favorablement.
Jean-Gualbert Faburel, Vice-Président en charge des organisations, et personnellement responsable des Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux à l’étranger, m’assure de son soutien. Je le connaissais its already very nice benefits on several Paris-Brest-Paris, accompanied by his wife Genevieve, I now find its unifying qualities and breadth of his personal life and work of his club.
It turns out that we have the same vision of long-distance hiking. I decided to join their team and themselves to take over my new organization.
At the annual presentation of awards CPA in Paris in early January, our young and friendly President, Thierry Miton, successor to Peter Theobald, I leave it to announce the birth of Super Walk of Haute Provence, what I do with great emotion. For if the CPA supports the Super Trail is confident in me the responsibility.
Respect, honesty, trust, sharing: values here that warm the heart, especially after the unfortunate experience I had lived in late 2007. All my new colleagues and friends are grateful. In truth, hikers are a family, a great and beautiful family.
THAT REPRESENTS the Audax Club Parisien?
Comme je l’ai dit, j’ai beaucoup d’estime pour ce club, qui est en quelque sorte le gardien et l’ambassadeur de l’esprit randonneur. C’est l’ACP qui organise les Brevets Randonneur, les Flèches de France, la Flèche Vélocio et le célèbre Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur (PBP).
Mon propos n’est pas de faire le panégyrique de l’ACP. On va dire que je prêche pour ma chapelle. Certes, mais n’oublions pas que si je l’ai rejointe, cette chapelle, c’est par communauté d’esprit.
Je me contenterai de citer quelques dates et chiffres, qui parlent d’eux-mêmes.
L’Audax Club Parisien was born November 30, 1904 in Paris, rue Vivienne, at Café du Vaudeville, "founded with friends the diploma Audax Cyclists in order to encourage the development of bicycle touring, educate cyclists of make them ardent cyclists, hikers and hardened to organize excursions "(site of the CPA," History "tab).
first patent in 1921 of 200 km Brevet
first 300 km in 1922 first patent
400 km in 1923 first patent
600 km in 1928
first Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur
first patent in 1931 to 1 000 km Arrow first in 1934
Vélocio in 1947
first Europeans Hikers Patents in 1976
first World Patents Hikers (MRO) in 1983
Hiker Patents 400 and 600 km were used in PBP qualifiers from 1975 and the complete series of 200, 300, 400 and 600, from 1979.
In 2003, there were 4184 enrolled in the 15th PBP, and for the first time, the number of foreign trekkers outnumbered French, with 25 countries at the start.
In 2007, more than 46,000 patents qualifiers were held in 32 countries, including more than 30,000 outside France, representing 15 million kilometers. Among the new organizers, there were countries as diverse as China, Hungary, Slovenia, New Zealand and Taiwan. On the 16th
PBP, 42 nations were represented.
With BRM, the CPA has exported over the five continents of the model walking long distance non-competitive with its rules and spirit. Paris-Brest-Paris became a mecca for hikers world, an extraordinary melting pot who manages to bring together cyclists from around the world in a homogeneous family. You must see this show at least once in their life.
To me, this is a remarkable, beautiful ... While sporting, but mostly humane.

200km (Raymond Henry Vélocio )
Let's be honest: I want to create other Super Truck of the barrel (600 km, 10,000 meters) in the various mountain ranges of France, involving players on the ground of enthusiasts who are knowledgeable about their region . For such a trace route is not an easy task: it must be beautiful, balanced, comprehensive, difficult. A trip to both tourist and demanding.
It seems important to work together listen to everyone's opinion, not trying to pull the cover itself, and most importantly, share the best moment: the one where they test the ride ... on the bike! ... An organizer must do what he wants to propose to the other.
Respect, sharing and friendship are our wealth to us, hikers, which exclude the idea of competition, if it must go through the annihilation of others ... whatsoever on the bike or in life in general ...
NOTE This section is drawn from an article on Rando Spirit in January 2009, at:
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